This room has been reserved for the exhibition, contextual to the place of discovery, of a selection of artifacts found in the deep well in the centre of the hall.
The artifacts are grouped according to types including uncoated tableware and storage ware. Among them are larger containers decorated with red bands and outfitted with typical broad grooved handles used for preserving food supplies, coarse ware used for cooking or warming up daily meals, and oil lamps to provide interior lighting.
Within the group of plates, bowls and jugs used for setting the monastery’s austere tables, are different specimens covered in monochrome or bichrome glaze as well as vessels decorated in the shapes and colours of the time featuring stylized vegetable or animal motifs, with the contours painted in brown and the background in green. Among these a basin stands out.
It has twenty five small handles along the rim, a cord motif produced with finger impressions running along its external diameter and a decorative motif representing an alternation of two fish and two birds painted in brown and green on the interior.
Characteristic elements of the medieval decorative repertoire are fish-tail patterns, rendered in the form of a three-lobed plant, and half palmettes emanating from the mouth of fish and birds, as well as the interlacing motif, derived from the so-called Bowen knot, that decorates the bottom.